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Ordonnia+, Ordonnia++, Ordonnia+++, and Ordonnia++++ are monthly subscriptions. They will renew after 30 calendar days of use. You can cancel them at any time on your Identity Dashboard, or by contacting Ordonnia Help.
Refund Policy: Ordonnia will process any refunds for up to 72 hours for free. After 72 hours, it is not possible to get a refund for your current billing month, with the exception of cases where you were charged against your will. Right to a full and expedite refund becomes void if transaction is challenged with your bank or financial establishment.
* Eligibility limited to certain users, namely people associated with Obrie-Obfin, Administration employees, and other certain people. Decided on a case-per-case basis.
** Just as a beforehand notice: The Archive is mostly old MeaxisNetwork stuff. It's not necessarily good, it's not necessarily interesting, it's just... archive stuff. You've been informed!
*** Subject to availability. If you're subscribing for just these two, there's chances we're out of capacity, and we'll refund you in U¢. Must respect our Community Guidelines, ToS & Privacy Policy.