Waste your money in style.

Early access

Everything's on sale while this subscription is early access. Only the features listed here are guaranteed so far!

Three tiers



per month

You get...

  • Early access to new features!
  • Meaxis's gratitude
  • Set a profile picture
  • Themes
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!




per month

You get...

  • Early access to new features!
  • Meaxis's gratitude
  • Set a profile picture
  • Themes
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!
  • Extra spacing!



per month

You get...

  • Custom Ordonnia Discord Emoji***
  • Custom Ordonnia Discord Role***
  • Extra spacing!
  • And from previous tiers...
  • Early access to new features!
  • Meaxis's gratitude
  • Set a profile picture
  • Themes

Ordonnia+ subscriptions are not yet available in your region in this currency! Try again later, or use a different currency.

Ordonnia+, Ordonnia++, Ordonnia+++, and Ordonnia++++ are monthly subscriptions. They will renew after 30 calendar days of use. You can cancel them at any time on your Identity Dashboard, or by contacting Ordonnia Help.

Refund Policy: Ordonnia will process any refunds for up to 72 hours for free. After 72 hours, it is not possible to get a refund for your current billing month, with the exception of cases where you were charged against your will. Right to a full and expedite refund becomes void if transaction is challenged with your bank or financial establishment.

* Eligibility limited to certain users, namely people associated with Obrie-Obfin, Administration employees, and other certain people. Decided on a case-per-case basis.
** Just as a beforehand notice: The Archive is mostly old MeaxisNetwork stuff. It's not necessarily good, it's not necessarily interesting, it's just... archive stuff. You've been informed!
*** Subject to availability. If you're subscribing for just these two, there's chances we're out of capacity, and we'll refund you in U¢. Must respect our Community Guidelines, ToS & Privacy Policy.